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Dr. Marni
'Social Ditching': How To Use Social Distancing To End A Toxic Relationship
Quarantining may help you make thoughtful use of social distancing to decide if you should end an unhealthy relationship.

Dr. Marni
How To Tell If You're In A Healthy Relationship (When You've Never Had One Before)
Knowing what a “healthy” relationship is in theory is different than knowing what a healthy relationship feels like on the inside.

Dr. Marni
5 Ways Your Dad Is Affecting Your Relationships With Men — For Better Or For Worse
The growing body of research on father-daughter relationships offers invaluable lessons for women.

Dr. Marni
What To Do When Your Ex Reaches Out Again After Breaking Up With You
What does it mean and what should you do when your ex reaches out again after you've broken up?

Dr. Marni
10 Harsh-But-True Facts About Being In Love With A Married Man
Statistics show that a tiny percentage of married men who have affairs go on to divorce their wife and marry their affair partner.

Dr. Marni
How To Know If The Person You're Dating Is A 'Healthy' Vs 'Unhealthy' Narcissist
The word narcissism gets thrown around a lot. Here's how to know if you are really dating someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Dr. Marni
The Top 7 Complaints About Modern Dating (and How to Find True Love Anyway)
Technology, including online dating apps and websites, has drastically changed the ways we try to find true love.

Dr. Marni
The Real Reasons Why Men are Willing to Have Sex with You (But Not a Relationship)
Are you confusing sex for love? Are you stuck in an "almost relationship"? Why are men willing to have sex with you but not a relationship?

Dr. Marni
Do You Keep Attracting The Wrong Guy?
A significant part of figuring out how to change negative patterns is to explore why they keep happening.

Dr. Marni
5 Reasons Men Pull Away Or Ghost You When Dating
Why do men pull away just when things seem to be going well? There are a lot of reasons, ranging from him being emotionally unavailable...

Dr. Marni
If You Have An Insecure Attachment Style, You’re Probably Sabotaging Your Love Life (Here’s How)
Attachment theory tells us that patterns of relating to others are formed in early childhood and hold stable throughout our lives.

Dr. Marni
6 Reasons You Keep Falling For Emotionally Unavailable Men
It's time to figure out why you keep choosing unavailable men and find real love instead. You definitely did not set out to fall in love...

Dr. Marni
What Is Breadcrumbing? 3 Reasons This New Dating Trend Is Even Worse Than Ghosting
How to avoid getting 'breadcrumbed'. If you’re single and looking for love, there's a good chance you've been on the receiving end of...

Dr. Marni
Your Attachment Style Influences the Success of Your Relationship
Attachment style is an important concept to learn about. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who was emotionally...

Dr. Marni
The Science of Love 101
Scientists have cracked the code for this once elusive concept. The science of love has been explored extensively. Research strongly...

Dr. Marni
The Surprising Ways Unhealthy Childhood Attachment Tricks You Into Giving Up On True Love
Attachment Theory research offers some explanations about why we settle or stay in unsatisfying relationships.

Dr. Marni
4 BRUTAL Truths About Why You Fall For Guys Who DON’T Love You Back
Are you read to break the habit? Love is blissful when it is reciprocated, but what if it isn't? As much as we may wish it to be...

Dr. Marni
Signs You're Being Emotionally Manipulated In Your Relationship
It is hard to believe, but, even emotional intelligence can go wrong and cause manipulation. "Becky" came into my office a wreck. She...
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